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The V-800 dial-in Dictation System is one of the most versatile and user-friendly phone based system. It has a powerful Voice Engine that recognises numbers and standard commands as they are dictated by the author, thus minimising key strokes. Complete security is ensured by unique access codes that can be still be shared by different clients across the enterprise. This means that different clients can share the same access codes (singular access-multiple contact). We achieve this innovative solution using LID or PIN codes assigned to each author. The end result is minimum change in author behavior. The V-800s crystal clear and crisp recording is available almost instantly after the telephone is hung up and it is always a pleasure to transcribe from the crisp audio.
PRICING: Low Flat Rate for the V-800 : 11 cents per minute for unlimited (in V-DoX only. V-Safe users are limited to the number of clients in the plan)
number of Authors with a $10.00 minimum charge per month.
A one-time setup fee of $49.99 is the only added fee.
Create as many access code protected users (in V-DoX only. V-Safe users are limited to the number of clients in the plan)with the cutting edge features of PIN skip and 'Prompts' skip at NO extra charge. Our training and support is free.
Click the button below to signup for V-800 use with your V-DoX. A one-time Setup fee of 49.99 and the minimum $10.00 for a month fee will be charged. For subscribing with your V-Safe account, Please subscribe for the V-Safe account first by clicking here. The subscription for the V-800 will be in the 'CLIENT' Control Panel of your V-Safe.
- No other hidden charges. No other extra charges.
- No FTP required.
- Completely secure internet access to all your voice files at all times.
- Multiple Crisp clear recordings can be downloaded with one mouse click.
- Industry leading technology with voice response system.
- Most inexpensive in its class.
- Top of line Fault tolerant Servers located at Kentucky and Virginia.
Unique LID (PIN) SKIP that complements the singular access-multiple contact system
Each author on the V-800 system can have up to 3 phone number programmed into the rapid dial, LID (PIN) skip system. This feature saves a complete cycle of interaction by instantly recognizing the incoming telephone number. For Authors who share telephones, Multiple authors can have the same telephone number entered into the LID-skip system too and they would be identified by their access codes only as the system automatically detects the incoming caller ID.
The transcription provider always has complete control of the access codes, LID (PIN) numbers assigned. They manage the users from their Control Panel and can even disable access if needed.
We have enabled an advanced 'Data Prompt Skip' technology. Using this, a Transcription Manager can enable the skipping of the extra prompts for job information like job reference ID etc. This means that, on a per author basis, in addition to the PIN skip, all the author needs to enter is his or her Access code, before start of dictation. A powerful, yet incredibly easy to setup system, this pleases the authors who despise using PINs and punching or saying more than they need to.
Please note that we always suggest that the author enter job data at point of dictation for accuracy,quick turn-around and productivity.
Feel Free to contact us for a free demonstration of this leading edge communication solution at .
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